
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What I Did (and am still doing) on My Vacation

I'm off work this week. I decided to take a stay-home vacation and work in gardens, chill out and enjoy the spring weather. So if you were wondering, "How does she do all that stuff and still go to work?", well now you know my secret. To tell the truth, I am not accomplishing as much as my very ambitious mind thought I could, but I have had a great week so far.

Here's what's been going on:

Saturday: we drove to Morgantown to visit with our youngest son and his girlfriend. While there we visited Cooper's Rock State Forest, and happened on a mini-forest fire in the making. Fortunately firefighters arrived quickly so there was little damage or danger. The view from the rocks was splendid, however.

Saturday evening: We were browsing in an antique mall when our grandson called to tell us he was sick and could we come home and help him. His dad and mom were both out-of-state and he'd come home from college with this huge infection-thingy. So we said goodbye to Tommy and Anastasia and got home as quickly as we could (about 3 hours). Turned right around and took grandson to the emergency room, where they lanced his boil (too gross for words) and gave us instructions for caring for it.

Sunday: we lounged around with grandson, letting him rest and keeping an eye on that infection. We fixed a good country breakfast, I worked in the greenhouse a little and Larry messed around in the gardens. We made Easter dinner (roasted turkey, salad, herbed noodles and our first asparagus) then visited with our second son's girlfriend by our firepit in the evening.

Monday: we went into town to pick up mulch, two fruit trees and some blackberry plants. Looked for strawberry plants but none to be found. We picked up two granddaughters and came home to plant the trees, mow grass and bake, then went to our second son's house to mow his grass and clean up the kitchen (grandson had been there before we got home, so there were plenty of dirty dishes). Then home to fix dinner and chill with the girls until it was time to take them home.

Favorite quotes from the girls today:

"Granny, I think I'm going to be just like you when I grow up because I like all the same things you do"--Hannah, as we looked at at 1953 Tappan gas range on eBay and drooled over its very cool features.

"How do you do this? I've never ever done this before. Oh, they smell so good!"--Hannah, on hanging out laundry and smelling the sheets that were already dry.

"I'm a good photographer, aren't I?"--Haley, taking pictures of Hannah and I making Wacky Cake.

"Can I drive, Granny?" --Haley, who at 14 is chomping at the bit. Yes, we let her drive--a little bit. Larry carried on like he was scared to death the whole time just to aggravate her.

Tuesday: up and out to plant the blackberry plants, till the gardens, inspect the seedlings coming up (peas, onions, celery, carrots, spinach, lettuce). Larry planted a row of halfrunner beans (I know, it's too early but if they make it, as they did last year, we'll have very early beans to sell), ran to town for a few things and I put in several hours in the greenhouse. In the evening he ran the weedeater and I dug up most of the new herb garden. We thought about the firepit, but a long phone call to begin plans for the Oral Traditions tent at the WV State Folk Festival intervened. We were too tired anyway, to to tell the truth.

Wednesday: That's today, isn't it! We've been up early every day so far, because the mornings are too lovely to miss. This morning I weeded flowerbeds and spread mulch while Larry transplanted a mulberry tree and graded the driveway. A little more time in the greenhouse, washing and hanging out laundry, trip to town for raspberry and strawberry plants, and now home. Larry is napping and I'm catching up on Facebook and thinking about a poem to write for today.

Tomorrow I have to go to a conference--unfortunately it fell in the week I wanted to be off. But we can work it to our advantage. Larry will go with me and dig ramps while I'm hobnobbing with librarians. Afterwards we will stop at my friend Melissa Dennison's herb farm to pick up a few plants and some of her amazing salve and soaps.

As for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I expect we'll be planting the strawberries and raspberries for starters. Larry wants to get a row of corn in the ground (too early, I know, but hey...) and I want to make redbud jelly and search for poke greens. The 100 new flowerpots I ordered on eBay arrived today, so I'll be transplanting again in the greenhouse too.

It's been a great vacation so far. Just what I needed.


  1. Wow! You sure have been busy! I have been trying to clean the house but after I get one room clean the kids go in and mess it up!

    It's time for a nap! hehehe

  2. Sounds like a wonderful week. Lots of work to keep you busy but it's the kind of work that brings lots of happiness and satisfaction.

  3. It sounds like a great week; I can't wait to start buying (and maybe eventually growing??) fresh, local tomatos, corn, beans, etc.

    Spring and Summer! I love them!!

  4. You have been very busy. So have we, but haven't accomplished as much as you have. Seems like the more we do, the more there is to do. Enjoy the rest of your week off.

  5. I love the idea of redbud jelly! Could you tell me how to do that too? Ours is in full bloom here too, in Indiana. I make lots of jams and jelly but never heard of this one!

  6. It sounds like you have had a wonderful vacation, Susie. I hope Jared is feeling better.

  7. That, Sue, is a fine, my-kind of vacation! Gardens and bargains and family and husband.

    That is my kind of vacation, tho

    I just spent 4 days with
    3 daughters in the French Quarter
    of New Orleans, Lousiana. Could we get any further from our every day lives?

    However, I had a great time celebrating Life and Spring with "my girls".
    This too is "my kind of vacation"!

  8. Some would say that was not much of a vacation. But for those of us who live in and love the country and our homes, it would be perfect.


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