
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Got a Writing Group?

If you don't, and you like to write, you're missing out.

I wasn't sure about joining a group. I'd just started writing when my job changed and I suddenly had evenings free. I found out about a group in my area and contacted them.

But the first night I thought about attending, I almost chickened out. I mean, these were writers! I had written very little, mostly reports at work and my storytelling newsletter. But it was something I had always wanted to do, and now that I had free evenings, it was possible.

I pulled into the church parking lot that first night and almost changed my mind. Then I saw a man standing at the door of the church, looking out. I knew he was looking for me because I'd emailed that I planned to come. I had to get out of the car and walk inside. It seemed like a very long, long way.

And I've come a long way since that night. That was three years ago and still every Thursday night I am with that group, working on writing, talking about writing, thinking about writing.

What has it done for me? Well, let's see: I've had four second place awards in writing contests, along with a first, several thirds and honorable mentions; I've had two stories published, several poems published, and I've self-published two poetry chapbooks and 2 spiral-bound collections of stories; I've published a couple of articles, continue to write my newsletter quarterly, and I write all the time. This summer I'll teach my first writing workshop.

So if you write, find a writers group. It's inspiring, motivating and a necessity for anyone who wants to be a better writer.

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