
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Family Storytelling

As part of this year's reunion, I suggested we delegate a time to sharing stories about our families, growing up or whatever we wanted to share. Since many of us had not seen each other for years, and did not know each other's children, spouses, or grandchildren, it seemed like a way to begin to learn about all those missing years.

I wish I had pictures of all the storytellers last night! from 4 years old and up, each one shared a family story or a joke with the more than 100 family members who came to the reunion. It was magical. I will never forget Drew telling about the Skunk Monkey, the story of how my brother nearly burned down his rental house and farm, or the one about Help! Help! written on the bottom of cousin Bernie's shoes at his wedding, or my sister Maggie's hilarious stretch (Bottoms UP!) or the story of "Tick Tock."

I may be the one who tells stories for pay, but I am not the only one who can weave a tale in this family. This is a family of storytellers. Each of the 20+ people who told stories proved it over and over again.

I think we're also a family of singers. next year we'll be exploring that part of our heritage.

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