
Friday, June 22, 2007

An Hour Outside with My Camera

Starting at the old cellar door...
and onto the porch, the snakeskin found by Haley and Hannah in the chicken house...

to the grape arbors and the bluebird who has a nest in the hole in one post..

to the second snakeskin, also in the chicken house (and the probable reason for the sudden decline in eggs)...

and how odd to see where the eyes and mouth of the snake were...

to the deck, where a wasp has found an easy waterhole...

out to garden where a bumblebee feasts on coneflower...

joined by a Black Swallowtail...

and on the peach tree, an Eastern Fence Lizard who posed for many photos...

as you can see...
It was a lovely hour, and I was never more than 100 feet from my front door.

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