
Thursday, June 21, 2007

What a Birthday!

Since the year I turned 50, each birthday has occurred during a time of crisis of one sort or another. At 50, I was recuperating from a bad accident. At 51, my mother was recovering from a coma; 52, Derek was in Iraq. At 53, I was battling asthma, allergies and bronchitis. On my 54th birthday, my husband was dealing with major health issues. At 55, my mother had recently passed away and my father was in failing health. We lost him a few months later.

This year, after seemingly months of sorrow, life is getting back on track. Two sons are still in the military, and more worry lies ahead in the coming year. But right now, today, was about as nice as I could wish for.

What did I do? Very little! I fixed a country breakfast for Larry and granddaughters Haley and Hannah. Then I worked on stories for tomorrow's performances at two libraries and spent an hour in the yard with my camera, getting some good pictures I'll post in the coming days. I took Haley and Hannah to visit my friend Andrea and her little daughter, and we enjoyed the scones, whipped cream and tea Andrea made, and we sat out in her lovely yard and talked.

Home to find Larry had made a birthday cake, so we sang happy birthday and had cake for dinner. Then I went to writers group to find that Cheryl had brought a cake! They all sang happy birthday to me on the courthouse lawn. It was so neat.

James and Michaela called and sang happy birthday over my cell phone, and messages from my sons and other grandchildren waited when I returned from writers group. Sisters and brothers emailed, called or sent cards. I feel so loved!

I hope to have many more birthdays, but this one will stand out as one of the best I have ever had. Thank you to all who remembered me (my friend Tim in England, and Tracy--thank you!)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!!!! I loved your birthday story before - now that you've added photos - its even more delightful!
    Wishing you a wonderful year filled with many blessings. Ellouise


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