
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Homemade Ice Cream and Ingenuity

Ice cream needed-
a lot of it.

Find someone who:

knows how to
make things.

Has stuff-
Gears, wheels, lumber.

Has a do-it-myself

What you get is Lonnie and his amazing ice cream machine. Using old gears, new shafts, a long rubber belt, a BIG hand-cranked ice cream maker, various pieces of lumber, wheels, straps and whatever, he built an ice cream maker that can probably churn out five gallons at a time. The power source is the antique John Deere tractor he restored a few years ago (see it in the background?).

I snapped this at the annual Music Jam at the Joe's Run Community Center yesterday. We were on our way out to a storytelling gig, but I'd seen Lonnie earlier and told him I wanted a picture of his machine. I think it's safe to say it's one-of-a-kind, the Johnny Cash Cadillac of ice cream makers.

I love this kind of ingenuity and creativity. Doing what you can with what you have at hand is the mountain way of life, and Lonnie and his machine prove that the old ways live on in new and unexpected ways.


  1. Five gallons at a time you say??? Home-made to order??? I think me and ol' Lonnie there need to have us a talk. Since they pulled all my teeth a month or so ago and I await the new ones to be made, I just about LIVE on ice cream!!!

    Hmmmm, a tractor and a wagon....that makes him highly mobile....wonder if he makes house calls? rofl

  2. Somehow I have a feeling you might be the kind to rig up your own ice cream factory, Mike!

  3. Yup, it's in the works now! I have been INSPIRED!!!

  4. Aaron got a kick out of the ice cream maker.

  5. Huh! I never thought I'd see the day that Ole Lonnie would be published on the internet. I think it's cool that my ole neighbor made the "Bloglight!" Congrats to you Lonnie!


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