
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Storytellers and Books

It was a great day. Books, people, books, storytellers, books. Did I mentions books? I am dog-tired but satisfied.

I began the weekend with storytelling for the Society of School Librarians International. I followed a History Alive presenter who portrayed Andrew Monteur, a half-French half-Indian who played a strong role in the early history of this country. He was excellent, and I wondered how my storytelling would follow his without jarring the audience.

So, of course, I started with a song, my version of the Carrion Crow that includes audience participation. I figured since they'd been listening, they were ready to make some noise. The group, from all over the US, joined in with great humor and we were off on an Appalachian exploration.

The time passed quickly and then I went over to the Civic Center to hbegin getting the storytelling booth ready for the Book Festival. Several guild members arrived and after a good dinner we got to work. The booth was done in no time.

Today the festival began. Over 500 people waited to get into the used book sale in the morning, and even at 10am the sale room was packed. I browsed a little but the crowds were daunting and the lines at the registers long.
The WV Storytelling Guild's booth was busy all day with visitors. One thing I noticed: no one asked "what is storytelling?" Yay! Perhaps the word is finally getting out? We handed out storytelling information, sold books and talked to many people. Storytelling workshops were offered all day. Attendance was low at some of them, which was disappointing to our presenters, but those who attended got quality information.

We sold books, CDs and DVDs too. I ran out of my Ghost Stories book and came home this evening to get more ready to sell tomorrow.

So all in all a good day, but a long one. I'm tired and ready for bed!

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