
Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Comes at Different Times for Some of Us

Today started early. I was up before 4:00am so that I could be at the airport by 5--Derek was supposed to arrive between 5 and 7am, on a flight from Iraq to Kuwait to somewhere to Atlanta to Charleston.

Parking was no problem that early! There were no cars there--and as it turned out, no flights either. Earliest arriving was 9:30am. Since I was only a few miles from work, I got an early start, arriving at the library by 5:30am--first one there, for the first time in the 16 years I've been there.

The morning was a waiting game. He was coming in at 9:30, then at 11, finally at 1:30. I left work and headed to the airport, and this time we had it right. What a wonderful sight to see him grabbing his kids.

Tonight I am supposed to be backing pies because our Thanksgiving dinner will be tomorrow. But lo and behold, no pie pans! How can this be? I'm sure I owned a dozen at least. We searched every cabinet but found only two fairly bent pans. Where did they all go? We sat on the floor and thought back. Took one to George's at Christmas one year, and maybe left one or two at Aaron's last Thanksgiving; at least two were left at Derek's last Christmas...

As we counted I realized that my pans had all gone astray, left with the leftover pie in various locations around the state. So Larry is gone to the store to buy more, and today will end much later than anticipated as the pies get baked.

Granddaughter Hannah came home with us to help cook, she said. She walked into the log room, laid down on the couch to watch the fire, and has been asleep ever since. Poor little thing was up early too and had a day of excitement waiting for Dad.

While I wait for pie pans, I'm cooking sweet potatoes and apple casserole, getting the green beans ready, and packing up all the stuff we'll need to take with us in the morning.

There are more days than one on which to be thankful. Yesterday I was thankful for the time with Aaron and his family, and the quiet, relaxed evening by the fire. Today I am thankful for a safe flight and the joy of seeing my son's face again. Tomorrow will be more blessings, and I will enjoy and remember each of them.


  1. It is funny how those pie pans do that, ain't it? I ain't go a one left.

  2. It's strange, Mike. I loved mine--they were the old Ovenrite ones with the quilty-looking bottom and fluted sides. There was a glass one too. Reckon I'll be in the antique stores hunting up more.

    Of course, after I buy new ones, I'll remember where the old ones are!

  3. It's strange, Mike. I loved mine--they were the old Ovenrite ones with the quilty-looking bottom and fluted sides. There was a glass one too. Reckon I'll be in the antique stores hunting up more.

    Of course, after I buy new ones, I'll remember where the old ones are!


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