
Friday, December 28, 2007

Remembering Mom: Edna June Connelly

She was the light
of our life,
the foundation
on which
we were built,
the knitter
who held the strings
that kept us

Her voice was a song
with an English melody
and her arms softly
welcomed all sorrows.

She left without warning,
and the hole in our hearts
has not begun to heal.

Two years have passed,
and yet
I still expect
the phone to ring
and hear her asking,
"Hello, dear,
how are you?"
and actually
want to know.

June Connelly:
June 13, 1937-December 28, 2005

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful, beautiful woman! Thanks for the cyber-introduction. I am sorry for your loss (all of ours actually, the world needs bright spirits).
    Stay well!


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