
Thursday, January 24, 2008

What You Can do With a Junk Tractor

How do you turn a tractor like this...

into a tractor like this?

Simple! You just add a little bit of this--$$$ ...

and one of these--the big guy, not the little one! Although the little guy did all he could to help, including dumping oil all over the basement garage floor.

Aaron has a gift for fixing things. The tractor project took a couple years, but the result is beautiful. He's the one the whole family turns to when something needs fixed--lamp, pump, radio, car--anything with moving parts. When I saw the tractor in the beginning, I thought he was crazy. But with time and effort and a few dollars he has a wonderful antique tractor.

I should have known--after all this is the same guy who took two junk snowmobiles and instead of making one good one like he expected, he made them both run and look like new. He took an old rototiller I bought for $7 at an auction and $100 later we have a tiller we've been using for 3 years, a real horse of a machine.

Every family needs an Aaron, but not everyone is lucky enough to have one.

*Oh, it takes a really nice wife who doesn't mind if greasy tractor parts are being beat upon on her nice clean kitchen counter--that's really important too.


  1. Thanks for the wonderful words, but you failed to mention some of my more negative successes.... A certain riding lawnmower comes to mind, a push mower too. I should also mention the wonderful parts cleaner the dishwasher makes... It's a wonder I am still married!


  2. Well, hey, even Einstein said that to succeed you had to fail a lot of times!

    And even I am amazed--tractor parts in the new dishwasher!

  3. Oh and don't forget I "think his tractor's sexy"! Hee-hee. I talk to other women who's husbands don't have nearly the talent Aaron does and that's when I realize just how special he is.


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