
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Storyteller at Work

Not on the job, but preparing for it. Coming up soon is the WV Storytelling Institute at Fairmont State University, and I am presenting a new workshop. So today is research day, pulling together notes, books, CDs, and other resources that demonstrate the travels of ballads from the British Isles to the Appalachians.
Actually, similar workshops have been done probably many times over the years by different (and probably more knowledgeable) presenters. I wonder if what I can offer will be anything new or different to the scholarship that already exists on the topic. My goal is to present an introduction to the topic in an informal sharing session that will include discussion of some of the ballads and songs that I have identified as good examples for the workshop, listening to versions from over the seas and here in the mountains, singing a few that I know, and sharing resources for more study and listening.

So today, I'm listening and reading, seeking connective paths that will bring some cohesion to the presentation. I can't complain about my surroundings. It's a quiet peaceful day here on the hill, dreary but a good fire chases any chill.


  1. I want to come to your workshop!

  2. Now that would be wonderful, Virginia! I love getting to meet my online friends in person.

    The Institute is really reasonable--$35 includes enrollment, lunch, and snacks. I hope we get a good turnout for this first year.


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