
Friday, April 18, 2008

Buttlerfly Flutter By

On the porch with a cup of Irish Breakfast Tea in my blue butterfly teacup,

when a flash of yellow caught my eye--a swallowtail, first of the season! Eastern Tiger Swallowtail to be more precise. There were several of them flitting about my pear tree, and I felt like a stalker as I tried to get a good photo of them.

Finally this one lighted long enough for me to snap a good shot.

And then, an even better shot. Fifty-four pictures taken to get this one--thank you to whoever invented the digital camera (and zoom!).


  1. Well done Miz Granny Sue!

    Oh and by the way...I enjoy your blog very much!

    Blessings to YOU!

  2. Dear Granny Sue,

    Great butterfly photos!

    I read your blog daily, enjoying your blooming spring while mine is still at the crocus and a few daffodil stage.


  3. Beautiful photography! Thanks for sharing spring!

  4. Thanks, everyone! I had so much fun taking these pictures. My husband can't see why I like to do it, and it's hard to explain. But I love taking just the right photo, although it happens rarely.

    I'm at my son's house in Virginia this weekend, and they are about 2 weeks ahead of home as far as Spring.

  5. Those butterfly shots are real winners. Thanks for sharing your Spring morning. Ellouise

  6. Are butterflies great? They're like living jewels, and I'd rather have them around than a box full of jewelry

  7. digital cameras = instant gratification

    I like that!

  8. meant to add how exquisite your last picture is. It would make a wonderful computer desktop picture.


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