
Friday, April 25, 2008

Storytelling Trip: Day 3 Shepherdstown

Shepherdstown is one of the oldest (if not the oldest) towns in West Virginia. Established in 1734, the town is filled with historic buildings. It also houses the model of the first steam-powered boat, built by James Rumsey and with a successful trial run in 1787 (which pre-dates that Fulton guy!).
The library is tiny and charming, located in a historic building in the heart of town. We did not tell stories here, even though the program was sponsored by the library--there is just not enough space. Instead we went next door to the Men's Club. The spacious second floor afforded ample room and I was thankful for the elevator because stairs and my knee are not compatible right now.

The audience for this program was preschool to age 8, with a goodly parent contingent. Here we are telling the story of the Little Red Hen. Keyword for this group: participation! They were more than willing to help tell the stories.

A little friend crawled up on my lap during a Jack tale. She was determined to be the "beautiful girl" in the story, so she sat on my lap to be sure I didn't forget. We ended up with several beautiful girls in the tale--but then, each of the little ones in the audience was beautiful.

The skunk puppet sent the children running to the back of the room when this little storyteller lifted his tail and "sprayed" them. It was so much fun we did it twice! It also provided a wiggle break for everyone.

At the end, everyone joined for a group picture.


  1. Hello, Just stumbled onto your blog and really like it! You look awful young to be a Granny! I think its great that you go around telling stories. My Daddy use to tell us Jack tales when my brothers and I were small. I know my older brother does the same with his kids too. You look like a cool Granny!

  2. Hi Tipper!

    Start having babies at 17 and you'd be a young granny too :-) I have 12 grandchildren, honestly.

    Do you remember the Jack tales your Dad told? That's a dying art--few people pass the stories down today. I love to tell about Jack and kids love to hear about him.

    I checked out your blog--looks very interesting. Lots of things there that are relevant to my life. I've added you to my RSS feed so I can keep up with your writing.

  3. That looks like a pretty neat town - the library building is awesome! Sounds like this gig was especially fun. (And I love the new blue bottle, as always.)


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