
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Random Shots of Daily Life and Stuff

I wish I could say I took this photo, but it was taken by my son Aaron, near Fairmont, WV. I am determined to visit this spot with him as soon as my knee is up to a little 3-mile hike. Beautiful, Aaron, just beautiful.

Sprouts on the side of the peach tree by my front porch. There is something almost oriental about this photo--or does it just look that way to me?

Here come the girls! Haley and Hannah run down the driveway after school. Haley and I had to finish her social studies project on Iraq (which she chose of course--that's where her Dad is).
The finished product. Haley also had a little carved box from Iraq that held other items Derek brought home from his last tour there. And she had a voice recorder with a tape he'd made while in Iraq in 2003-2004. It was fascinating to listen to it in the context of today's news. Haley got 105 points for her display, and 100 points for her oral report. Way to go, Haley! I helped her find information (heck, I'm a librarian after all!) but she did everything else herself. Click on the picture below to enlarge the photos on the display.

The wygelia and dogwood blooming in the front yard. The blossoms are so heavy that the bush is bending to the ground now.
I said these were random shots! The morning sunlight streaming through the window on the shower was so pretty, I snapped a quick shot of it. It came out blurry, but I kind of like the way the blurring softens the picture.


  1. i liked this little, random glimpse into your home. you are blessed to have some of your grandchildren nearby. i wish i lived near my family and my son got to get off the bus at 'grandma and pop-pop's' house. i have mourned the fact i'm raising my son so far from family.

  2. I know, blue. I raised my sons a long way from my family too. It was okay, but I wish it could have been different. I can remember being so sick and having no one to be able to come and help--no fun there. I wish the boys had gotten to know my parents better, but then I was raised a long way from my grandparents too, so it seemed okay at the time I moved to WV with my boys. But being with my grandchildren makes me see how important grandparents are in kids' lives.

  3. I love that photo of the bridge/viaduct/thing. Stone masonry fits so nicely into nature. Pretty neat to see a kid seriously educating herself about middle eastern countries. Although I don't know much about it, I sometimes wonder if we're getting much of a picture from just watching them on television. Cool.


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