
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

To Do List: What Got Done?

Here's the to-do list I posted last week. It's time to check in and see how we did.

In the gardens:
*Hoe out the new strawberry patch. Done by Larry with the little tiller and me with the hoe

*Mulch the new berry canes.* Not done or even thought about. oops

*Plant herb seeds, and cucumber and squash hills. Done, although I had to make a new planting bed in order to get all the herb and flower seeds in.

*Plant tomatoes and peppers. I planted the peppers, Larry did the tomatoes while I made jam.

*Hoe the little garden. Done--and fenced too.

For storytelling:
*research stories about races/racing for 4-H camp. I looked through the tales I already tell and found several to fit the theme. Need to get this done this week.

*research insect stories for Summer Reading programs. Not yet. First the race stories, then the bugs. But I did print out Jackie's marvelous online book of insect stories, so I've got a great start.

*get the newsletters labeled, stamped and ready for mailing. Yep, all done except for about 1/2 of the labels. Requires a trip to the store because I ran out.

This weekend:*go to the Vandalia Festival at the state cultural center this weekend. Oh ,very well done. And fun too.

*get up early Friday to go to the Ripley on Sale event in town. Done and came home with bargains.

*enjoy grandkids James and Michaela (and their parents, of course, who are coming to help with Derek's house). Oh yeah. Enjoyed immensely. They helped clean, cut grass, change oil in vehicles, start the tractor, and a ton more stuff.

*visit Larry's family graves and decorate with flowers. I wimped out here. Larry and Hannah went while Haley and I stayed home to rest my knee and work on the newsletters. Larry and Hannah decorated all his family graves and added a few flags to veteran's graves that had no decorations.

*enjoy my family, my home, and the incredible variety of my life. Completely done. What a great weekend.

*Add : party with friends (until wee hours). Stargaze on the ridge and see a huge shooting star. Roast marshmallows in the outdoor firepit. Cook out. Eat watermelon. Fire off the potato gun: at night so we can see the flames shoot out of it. (Okay, this could have been a "hey yall, watch this" moment, but we all survived.) Tell the story of Wicked Jack to friends around the fire. Listen to music with Haley. Miss my parents.

*do not think about work. Not a problem at all!


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