
Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Troops Come Home: Part 4

Finally, off the plane and with his kids. I can't remember ever seeing happier faces.

Then it was pomp and ceremony--a walk down the red carpet for families and soldiers, with greetings of "Welcome home" from those who lined the way. After that, the unit gathered in formation for speeches and more congratulations from Generals and dignitaries.

Listening and waiting...

A handshake from General Tackett of the 130th Airlift Wing, and Governor Joe Manchin.

Then it was finally time to leave for the trip home. Friends, a cookout and at long last a cold beer! What better way for a soldier to end an 8000 mile journey that lasted eight days?

As the hangar emptied, the band played on.

Many thanks to the VFW, American Legion and other volunteers for arranging a fine West Virginia-style homecoming for our soldiers.


  1. I read through these posts with the anticipation buidling, and now I have tears running down my face...oh, SO good to have family back together!!! Love the pictures, and so so happy your boy is back!

  2. Please thank your son from a family of seven in Warrenton, VA! We really appreciate what those guys do on our behalf.

  3. Oh Susie,
    I am so glad he is home! Give him a hug and kiss from me.
    Love, Theresa

  4. This must have been a very, very happy day for you, GS. Thanks for sharing the pics and the story - beautifully done, of course, but the best part is that it's all completely real. You must be having a terrific time! So happy for you!

  5. great "coverage" - appreciate your sharing the troops return and sharing the celebration and happiness. Ellouise

  6. Sue!! I'm so glad he's home!! Please give him a big hug and kiss from all of us and a huge THANK YOU for all he did. I loved all the pictures--you did a great job--I felt like I was there celebrating with you!!
    Love you lots,

  7. It was a wonderful day, and I was sure my friends and family would want to celebrate with us. I took many more photos, as you might imagine!

    I'm glad all of you enjoyed the story. Americans support their soldiers, as I learn every day.

    I'm just very glad to have this soldier home!

  8. Aunt Susie...way to make me cry so early in the morning! wow! soooooooooo glad he's home, for us and for his children. kiss him for me too!
    love, em

  9. I love how you built up to the end of the long day. I guess that why your a story teller in demand. So glad his home. So glad your all happy.

  10. Great photos and stories, Granny Sue. I'm so glad you let us rejoice with you at Derek's safe return.

  11. Thank you all for your comments. It's a pleasure to me to bring you into my family.


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