
Sunday, June 15, 2008

WV Writers Conference

The 2008 West Virginia Writers Conference is over. It was a full weekend of workshops, networking, shopping the bookstore and storing away memories for the coming year. We talked about writing, about poetry, about marketing, about emotions, self-publishing and storytelling. We ate, drank, and made merry.

We're tired today, but satisfied. It was another great conference.

I was fortunate enough to take home several awards this year. This year I got my first "First" for a poem I read in a "people's choice" session. These sessions allow anyone to sign up and read their work; those attending vote on their favorite. I read my poem "Message from the Front" and it found a place in the listeners' hearts. Other readers were excellent, too, so I was surprised and delighted to win.

The contest has been good to me over the years, and I realize that I need to work harder to get more work published. Most of it resides safely on my hard drive, never seeing the light of day or even computer screen. I have many excuses for not submitting my work: too busy with work, family, gardens, storytelling. The real reason is that I have not moved writing to a priority in my life.
That needs to change.


  1. Congratulations Susie! I remember when you told Dad about your awards how proud he was of you. I am sure he is beaming down on you still. So, when will you get these published, my brilliant sister? Love you, Theresa

  2. Brava!!!!!!! Very happy for you.


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