
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blogging Brothers

If you're interested in West Virginia history and folklore, you really must read the blogs written by brothers Jason and Matt Burns. Raised in a very rural and remote area of West Virginia, the brothers went on to graduate from West Virginia University.

Both are skilled writers and their memories of their family and surroundings in Pendleton County are well worth reading. What amazes me the most is their family's long residence in the mountains, the family stories and history passed down, and the brothers' recollections of being raised in a way most people might consider old-time--but was actually only a few years back.

Matt's blog is called Appalachian Lifestyles. Matt's wife Shirley authored a concise and heart-rending book, Bringing Down the Mountains, about the abhorrent practice of mining for coal by removing the tops of the mountains.

Jason's blog is called From the Mind of Jason. He also maintains a website about WV ghosts and paranormal activities, WV Spectral Heritage.

Be ready for good reading and beautiful photos!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's always good to see my name on the Granny Sue blog. Your blog is one of my very favorite sites of all time. As a matter of fact, it was "Granny Sue's News & Reviews" that gave me the inspiration to start my blog. I hope it will be even a fraction as good as this one. Thanks for the promo, I've received a lot of traffic on my blog from the "Granny Sue Bump"!


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