
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Youngest Son!

It was a long, hot July day, and only Aaron and I were home. Aaron was 12. I came home from typing class (my very first college class, started when I was 8 months pregnant) and stopped to pick a bunch of zinnias for a kitchen bouquet.

Four bushels of tomatoes waited to be canned in the steamy kitchen, and I was delaying. That was when I started into labor. Aaron was scared to death when I drove the two of us to the hospital. Larry arrived from work a couple hours later. Seven hours after the first indication that Tom was on his way, we had our fifth son. Happy Birthday, Tommy! (oh, those tomatoes? I gave them to a friend who was happy to take them off my hands. Along with the grapes, some cabbages and a few other things. I just languished happily in the hospital for 3 days. They let you do that back then. I needed the rest!)

Tommy at three, with his favorite toy in hand and a "bonk" on his forehead, riding high on Dad at Cranberry Glades, WV.

Tommy at 6, having a high ol' time with Dad and his toy gun.

And at 8, in a strange double exposure shot taken at his babysitter's pool.

At 12, he was still spooked on this walk into dark, wet woods to find an old graveyard in the hills behind our house.

As a senior in high school, doing what he loved best. Baseball ruled his life and ours for 5 years, and we had some very good times watching him play. One of the funniest things I remember was when he came to the mound to pitch for one game--the announcer started playing "Wild Thing" and everyone laughed because it was true. He could throw fast and had a lot of trick pitches, but he could also be wild, wild, wild. I sure loved to watch him bat, though. He seldom came away without a hit--a testament to the hours he spent practicing.

Two years ago--this is one of my rare photos of all five sons together.

And finally, this winter, after returning from Germany. Fitness and working out are his passions, and it shows. No birthday cake for this guy--instead, we fixed him a big piece of salmon to go with his brown rice and salad. I thought about putting candles on the salmon...

I sure wonder what he'll do in his next 22 years. I think it's going to be an interesting trip.


  1. Oh...Happy Birthday Tommy! I bet the next 22 years will be a blast! Love,
    Aunt Theresa

  2. He's gorgeous! I had 2 girls and 1 boy and I bet raising 5 boys was a lot easier than those 2 girls. :) There's just something about a little boy who's all grown up. Blessings, marlene

  3. It's wonderful to have grown children. Such a pleasure to talk with them about adult things like movies and politics.

  4. I'm a blessed woman, for sure. My Tommy is 12 years younger than his next-oldest borther, so I got to enjoy raising him in a different way--I was more relaxed, and little-boy things were more meaningful in a way. My older sons were so close in age to me that we grew up together, really.

    But you're right, Virginia. I LOVE being able to talk to my sons about all sorts of things, anything from relationships to politics (well, that can get a little volatile!) to commiserating over child-rearing problems.

    (And thank you, Marlene. I think he's right hunky myself, but then I'm his mama.)

  5. Well, it seems Blogger has blocked my site! Who would have thought the "robots" would think this is a spam blog--whatever that might be. I'll be back whenever Blogger decides I really am just a nice granny woman.

  6. Happy Birthday to your son!
    Five boys......bless you! :)

  7. Happy belated birthday to Tommy. You have a good looking family, Sue.


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