
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday: Day of Rest?

Maybe for some. For us, Sunday has been a day to:

*Sleep until 8:00 am after getting in at midnight from the Glen Elk Wine, Music and Art Festival in Clarksburg, WV. We left home early enough to stop by Aaron's for a visit and dinner. Jaime, James and Michaela came with Larry and me to the festival, where I was telling stories twice: first puppet stories with children, and then on the main stage, telling West Virginia ghost stories. I'll have to write more about the festival later, and post some photos.
I had to stop and take a picture of the wild chickory on the side of the road. The blue was so vivid in the morning light.
See? Here's one close up.

*Go to the bank and pick crabapples. The bank has a tree that is loaded with crabapples every year, and every year I think I'm going to get some to make one of my favorite treats, pickled crabapples, and crabapple jelly. Now before you wrinkle your nose at pickled crabapples, let me tell you you have to try them before you decide. (Recipe tomorrow)

*Go to the store and buy more jar lids and sugar. And jars. My jars vanish every year. Even though most people are conscientious about returning them, I seem to have to buy at least 6 dozen pint and half-pint jars every year.

*Come home and pick the few beans that were ready. Enough for four freezer bags. I prefer canned beans but with so few it wasn't worth the trouble to can them.

*Work up the crabapples. I made about 20 pints of pickled crabapples and have a half-gallon of juice ready to make into jelly. I ran out of time today.

*Pick some peaches. The branches of this tree lay on the roof of the turkey house when they're loaded with ripening peaches. So Larry takes the easy, if a little risky approach to picking!

*The kitchen is trashed. We've been invaded by BIG pots--canners, preserving kettles, pans for picking and cleaning produce. Everything is sticky. But everything is almost done. A little more cleaning, and jelly to make tomorrow after work.

A restful day? No. A good day? Oh yeah!

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