
Monday, August 25, 2008

The Magic

Magic lilies! I love these unexpected flowers.

The bulbs send up leaves similar to those of daffodils in the spring. Then the leaves die off and for a month or so there is no sign that anything is happening. Then sometime in July I go outside and voila! Lilies!

They certainly earn their name. Bare stems with no leaves support ethereal pink lilies that last a surprisingly long time. This year the lilies were more beautiful than I ever remember. Perhaps those ground moles tunneling around disturbed the earth enough to allow the bulbs to expand? Whatever the reason, they've made a real show this month.

Other names for this lovely plant include: Surprise Lily, Resurrection Lily, Naked Lady, (Latin) Lycoris squamigera, and Hardy Amaryllis.


  1. They are beautiful, I have never heard of these before. I wonder if they will grow in upstate NY?

  2. I was at work one day and trying to remember what they looked like...I almost typed in "Naked Ladies" as my search words!

  3. Ah - so nice to catch up with what has been going on with you! Those lillies are really neat - such different leaves than the lillies I am used to in the north. I meant to say also - So sorry for the trouble with the school. This is exactly the sort of thing that I can't stand. I feel like good service is one of the things we are losing in this country.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think they might be hardy in your area, Candy--they're hardy in Zones 5-10, and it looks like NY state is either 5 or 6, with the voldest being the extreme north of the state. Look at the map here to figure out what zone you're in:

  6. I love these, they're beautiful. Thanks for sharing their loveliness!


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