
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Today's Canning

Bread and Butter Pickles and Crabapple Jelly.

What a pretty combination. I froze some peaches too, and another half-bushel awaits my attention tomorrow. It's definitely August.


  1. Mmmmm, that makes my mouth water! They are pretty together, too.
    The photos yesterday were so beautiful also. Your part of the country is so lovely, heart-filling vistas around so many turns!

  2. Bread and Butter pickles are one of my favorite items to can - I've even done a few jars when I didn't have proper new lids and just stuck 'em right in the refrigerator. Love 'em!

  3. They're one of my favorites too, CM. My husband prefers dills, but mine never come out crisp enough for him--he likes those store-bought ones.

    So I make bread and butter for me and to use in potato salad and egg salad. He'll just have to get his pickle fix at the store!


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