
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Workin' for a Friend

It's been at least 10 years since I'd seen the cabin built by our friend Don out on White Rose Ridge. When he built it, access was mainly by foot, and we made many a trip out through those quite woods to his place. Now the road is passable by truck because gas companies are drilling out there, and surprisingly, we found two new log homes and several camps along the once abandoned road.

The cabin as it looks today.

Picnic time for the work crew!

We wanted to check on the place--5 years ago we had a terrible ice storm here and I have worried ever since that trees might have fallen on the cabin. When we found the road was finally passable, we drove out to see.

Miraculously, the storm that dropped thousands of trees in the area did minor damage to the cabin--only one tree had hit a slight blow to one side. So today we packed grandkids, a picnic, dogs and chainsaw and traveled back to the cabin to take photos for Don (who lives in Arizona now) and do a little cleanup.

Jared tosses a branch onto the pile, well away from the cabin, as the girls' dog Baxter explores inside.

We had a great time. The work went quickly, the kids ate and ran all over the place, and we got the tree cut away from the cabin. If we can, we'll run back out there to replace a few damaged shingles, and perhaps shore up a rotting floor joist. Other than that, the cabin looks solid.

Allison gives a branch a mighty heave.

Job completed! Time to take a photo inside before leaving.

We left there and with the bed of the pickup full of kids, drove slowly out to Twin Rocks (photos to come in a later post) then back home to meet up with Derek and cook out, make s'mores over the fire pit and tell stories.

A completely satisfying day.


  1. What a great story - log cabins have a special way of bringing family together - eve if it's not always obvious at first. Thanks for this!


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