
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Are you too Chicken for Riddles?

Just for fun: Chickens!

Chickens are one of my favorite animals. I’ve had a flock now for 30 years.What I like best about them is that, unlike most animals, you can use their products without hurting the chicken. My hens tend to lead long, safe lives. We like brown-egg hens best, and especially the black-and-white Barred Rocks, or Domineckers, as they’re called around here.

Now, a contest: Can you answer these riddles? Leave a comment with your answers to be in the running for one of my CDs, Mountain Story, Mountain Song. The commenter with the most correct answers will win the CD!

1. What looks just like half a chicken?

2. Where do hens come from?

3. Where do chicks come from?

4. Which side of a chicken has the most feathers?

5. Why did the chicken cross the road?

6. What do you get if you cross a road with a chicken?

7. Why did the chicken go halfway across the road?

8. Why did the turkey cross the road?

9. Why do hens lay eggs?

10. What’s a chicken’s favorite holiday?

Good luck!


  1. Some of these are really hard, but I'll do my best and you can at least be amused by the ones I get wrong.
    1. What looks just like half a chicken?
    The other half.
    2. Where do hens come from?
    Chicks growing up? Eggs?
    3. Where do chicks come from?
    4. Which side of a chicken has the most feathers?
    The outside.
    5. Why did the chicken cross the road?
    To get to the other side.
    6. What do you get if you cross a road with a chicken?
    To the other side.
    7. Why did the chicken go halfway across the road?
    Did she get hit? That would be too sad.
    8. Why did the turkey cross the road?
    To keep the chicken company.
    9. Why do hens lay eggs?
    They can't lay bricks, not in the union.
    10. What’s a chicken’s favorite holiday?
    Easter? (job security?)

  2. I want that CD, so all you other folks..Back Off!!lol.

    1. What looks just like half a chicken? The Other half

    2. Where do hens come from? The henside of an egg.

    3. Where do chicks come from? Chickasaw, Georgia

    4. Which side of a chicken has the most feathers? The outside, of course.

    5. Why did the chicken cross the road? To prove to the possum that it could be done!

    6. What do you get if you cross a road with a chicken? A "Tired" Chicken

    7. Why did the chicken go halfway across the road? He chickened out.

    8. Why did the turkey cross the road? He wasn't a chicken.

    9. Why do hens lay eggs? Because they can't lay anything else.

    10. What’s a chicken’s favorite holiday? Thanksgiving

    That was Fun.

  3. You guys have me laughing! Great answers so far. This is going to be fun.

  4. I'm not even going to try but I'm going to send this post to a friend that collects chickens. Anything Chicken. I love your blog and check it all the time even though I don't post each time. Your a fun lady.

  5. 1: half a chicken.

    2 "Hen"nsylvania

    3:Not sure, but they seem to be attracted to nest eggs...

    4:The outside...

    5: To get away from Colonel Sanders...

    6: A "Road" Island Red

    7: He wanted to "toe the line".

    8: To tell the chicken that it was only Orville Redenbacher.

    9: Because they will only stand two days a year...

    10: "Fowl"oween


  6. 1.The other half of the chicken
    4.The Hind End
    5.To escape Col. Sanders
    6.Chicken Poop on your pants
    7.It got hit
    8.Why does Aaron do anything?
    9.They tried throwing them but they always broke.
    10.My Birthday because I like steak

  7. This is an egg-cellent idea Granny Sue. I’ll give it a shot and try not to get all fowl-ed up. :)

    1. What looks just like half a chicken? half a chicken

    2. Where do hens come from? Asp-hen, Colorado ?

    3. Where do chicks come from? Chickago ?

    4. Which side of a chicken has the most feathers? the outside

    5. Why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side but I'm sure it had ulterior motives.

    6. What do you get if you cross a road with a chicken? a road island red

    7. Why did the chicken go halfway across the road? to lay it on the line baby!

    8. Why did the turkey cross the road? to prove he wasn’t chicken and besides, it was the chickens day off.

    9. Why do hens lay eggs? Because if they dropped them they would break.

    10. What’s a chicken’s favorite holiday? the 4th of July? Maybe they like all the egg-plosions?

  8. Okay Sis,
    These are my uneducated guesses since I have no idea about chickens and apparently you chose the one topic Google doesn't know about either. Cheating? Thats not cheating, that's research :)
    Love Julie

    1. On your plate, a cornish hen, but in the coop, I go with the rest ...the other half of the chicken.

    2. Google doesn't know, my best guess is an egg.

    3. Same place as the hen, they have to start somewhere.

    4. Again I go with the popular vote, the outside, however, when cooking chicken for dinner it's always the breast that has leftover feathers on it...ich!

    5. Generally to get to the other side, but I say Rosie was coming.

    6. I liked Aaron's answer, "Road" Island Red. Although I have to agree with Chris' too, I don't think you'd make it all the way across with clean pants.

    7. Where was Rosie at the time?

    8. Turkey wanted all to know it wasn't Chicken...although I bet it gets as flat as a chicken when run over with a car.

    9. To lighten their load before crossing the road, poop only weighs so much, but push that egg out and weeee!

    10. Definitely, Thanksgiving, but Easter was a good choice too as Mary Garrett said, job security and all, I don't think you can hide powdered egg or that egg that comes in a jug, although they would be easier to find, just follow the trail of ants.

  9. I am laughing, laughing! These answers are so funny! How am I supposed to pick a winner? These answers are so creative. I'll post the answers I have tonight, and see how everyone did.

    But I think there's going to have to be more than one winner here. Thank you for taking the chicken challenge!


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