
Sunday, September 21, 2008


Me and Elizabeth in 1968--isn't she cute?

Tomorrow is Elizabeth's birthday. She is number #6 sister, and #11 in the order of birth in our family (it goes Bill, Tom, Joe, me, Judy, Mary, Theresa, Maggie, Stephen, John, Elizabeth, Cathy, Julie).

Sisters together in 2002. Lizzie is 3rd from the right.
This is a BAD photo of Julie, and Mary has lost over 50 pounds since then. Me? pretty much the same size and weight today (sigh)

Lizzie has taken an unconventional path through her life, and most of it hasn't been easy. But she has survived. And continues to learn to be a mother and a sister. She is an inspiration to me because she finds a way to keep going, even when all odds are against her. Elizabeth will probably never be rich (but neither will I!), but she will find her way to happiness, and that is better than riches in my book.

So to my little sister, who has traveled rough seas but always reached a lifeboat, I say: Happy, happy birthday. I am so very glad you are my sister.

Making fruitcakes in 2006. Maggie was pasted in because she could not be there due to Roger's severe burns that happened a few motnhs before. This was soon after Dad passed away. We were determined to carry through with the tradition of making fruitcakes, and it was a healing experience. We could laugh, cry and remember together. What a gift. Lizzie is on the right, front row.

I remember when Lizzie was "my baby." Back then, when Mom had children the new babies were sort of assigned to older children. Lizzie was mine. I will always remember her bright black eyes and black hair, her incredible smile that still dazzles. Later, at my brother John's wedding, she danced with my husband in a way that completely won him over--he came back smiling and laughing and full of the force that is Elizabeth. She is a beautiful, beautiful woman, and she is still my baby.

Happy Birthday, Lizzie!


  1. Happy Birthday to Lizzie! (There you go again with the awesome vintage photos, GS! I'm drawn to these things like a bee to honey!) Lizzie sounds like my kind of person - with real life experience, learned by doing.

  2. Happy Birthday, Liz!

    Sue what was it about the short dresses and loafers back in the 60's? lol I remember I use to have a brown pair made by Buster Brown?

    Best pair of shoes that I ever owned, I could not wear them out!

  3. You know, Deborah, that was actually a bloomer dress--had little bloomer pants that went underneath it! I made it myself, with 3 yeards for a dollar fabric. That dress stayed around so long I used it as a maternity top years later.

    I think loafers were just what people wore back then--the choices were dress shoes or sneakers or loafers; there wasn't much in between that I remember. I think sandals were just beginning to be popular. And flip-flops were a no-no at our house--Mom was sure they ruined your feet.


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