
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

And boy did we labor. And visit. And have fun.

And had an absolutely terrifying experience I will write about this week as soon as I can decide how best to tell the story of what happened to this very ordinary American family. I am still having trouble believing it myself. I will say that my faith in my country and my sense of safety have both been profoundly shaken, and it wasn't done by criminals--it was done by the police. It was a lesson I could have done without, and one that will have repercussions for some time. I will not be able to sleep well for a long time.

BUT it did not stop us for going forward with what we had planned to do: we made about 30 gallons of cider, dressed out our four turkeys and got them in the freezer, had a cookout, watched the stars, and enjoyed the grandchildren and each other. The guys had their golf outing, my husband's twin sister and her husband came to visit, the kids had a tractor ride with Poppa Larry, and we cooked and ate and laughed and realized how valuable our family is to us. Even when threatened, we came together and stood for each other.

So, a mixed report for the weekend, sweet with a bitterness at the center. I will write more and post photos later this week. Stay tuned.


  1. Sue, it's good that you and your family had a good day together - sounds like you guys had a good time, for the most part. My family is scattered at the moment - so I enjoyed a nice day of solitude.

    What went wrong with your day - it must have been very upsetting.

  2. It was a great weekend--labor Day has become one of the days we set-aside to get together. Seems like with a big family, the only way to get everyone in the same place at the same time is to schedule it!

    I can't say more about what happened, Deborah. Waiting for a call from the lawyer so I don't want to say anything that might jepoardize anyone or any part of it. But believe me, when I'm free to speak about it, I will have a LOT to say!

  3. My heart is with you while you wait, and even without details I'm on YOUR side.

  4. Wow, you certainly had a very productive and eventful weekend and that cider sounds soooo good. I've never made cider but I recall my grandaddy's big copper kettle and apple butter stirring over an open fire.

    Like the others I await patiently to hear what happened.


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