
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No Respect

Chloe, my friend Bob's cat, thinks my new car is just for her to use as a perch to view her queendom.

Sheesh...I'm still treating it like a baby, and Chloe treats it like a stool.

But she sure looks pretty up there, doesn't she?


  1. I think most cats do love to sit on top of cars - maybe it helps them to scout things out better (like neighborhood dogs!). What I love is the paw prints that they leave on the hood.......:)

  2. I was staying with Mom and Dad one night when it snowed. I went out to my car to get it ready fir the trip home and there, up over the hood and the roof of the car was a trail of paw prints. I had just washed the car the previous day so didn't find anything too amusing about it, however, the smear down the windshield kept me laughing for days!

  3. Now that's funny--that cat must have had a big surprise when it found itself skiiing!

  4. My mom and dad have the same problem with their pet Guinea named Rafe. Rafe thinks he's a cat since his only companion is their cat, Buttercup. Of course, Buttercup kind of thinks she's a guinea. hummmm. It's really funny to watch Rafe sit at the back door and want inside, just like it is funny to see Buttercup taking a dust bath! Oh and both Rafe and Buttercup go to roost every evening in the big locust tree, but then Buttercup gets hungry and comes back home. They are something else to watch.

    I had to read your post a couple of times before I got it. I kept seeing "My friends Bobcat" instead of "my friend Bob's cat".

    Of course, that would make for a whole new story,lol.

  5. Yes, whe does look pretty sitting on your car. I like your new car - congratulations.


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