
Friday, September 19, 2008

One Family's Story of Ike

To get a sense of what it feels like to be hit with hurricanes over and over, you must read Bayou Woman's blog. Before the hurricanes, I was a regular reader, fascinated by the lifestyle of this woman. She has her Captain's license, is the mother of 4 (or is it 5) children, is a passionate advocate for the coastal wetlands, and goes fishing and messes about with 'gators (with a camera anyway).

Bayou Woman's photography of the bayou she loves is stunning; her pictures of the aftermath of Ike are heartbreaking. If you do nothing else this weekend, take a minute to go to her blog and offer a few words of encouragement to this brave heart.


  1. Thanks for sharing the info...I will have to go check out her blog.

  2. Sue, I feel so selfish that I have not taken the time to do the same for you and others who are sharing the blog. From my stats, though, I can see that when your name is "linked" on your comments, visitors have been clicking your site and going to visit. Do you get to see on your stats that people are coming from my blog to yours? I just love how all that works. I appreciate you stopping by with frequency and encouraging me with your comments. They mean more to me than I can say in this little box. So, blessings, Granny Sue!!!


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