
Monday, September 29, 2008

So Many Books...

...just waiting for me to be home more to read them. How many of you have stacks like this?

I swear I buy books almost weekly, either online or at a used book sale or something. Like I don't already have enough books. But I see something that catches my interest and next thing I know it's on top of yet another teetering pile.

I weed my books too. I don't keep every book I buy forever and ever. There's just no space to do that, and my interests change. I remember when I had a copy of every single Agatha Christie paperback! Loved 'em.

I seldom read fiction any more because real life is so intriguing. Unless you count folk and fairy tales. But libraries have those cataloged as nonfiction! (I love it--ol' Dewey knew a thing or two).

It's hilarious how many people think that if you work in a library you actually get to read all those books. Who has time? Even the shelvers are hard-pressed to find time to sit down and read.

Books have to be re-shelved after someone brings them back, and if you consider that even a small library will check out 400-1000 or more items a day, you can see the size of the shelving job. In my job, I'm removed from the collection now--I read stuff like OSHA and ADA regulations and cooling tower RFPs. Thrilling, I assure you.

The teetering piles will have to wait a little while longer. But when the time comes I plan to dig in and just read and read and read.

And probably buy more books. Especially old ones. I just can't resist.


  1. Susanna,
    Yes, I also have the ever growing stack of books beside my bed. Everything from The Mayan Prophecies of 2012 to historical novels on the settlement of Virginia. On top of the revolving stack, World Poetry, an 1,100 page monster.

    I used to be so good about reading one book at a time, now I have at least a half dozen going at any given time.

    I'm addicted to books. So much knowledge, so little time.

  2. I don't have piles of books like that, but it's only because we keep getting new book cases, LOL! I do frequently read a book two or more times, so at least that cuts down a little!

  3. I also love books, I have them stacked everywhere. I sometimes trip over them. Children's books, adult books, cook books, new books, and especially old books. I get mine mostly at yard sales and thrift stores.My latest dated 1910 titled The Marvelous Career of Theodore Roosevelt.

  4. Maybe it's the writer's thing to be fascinated by old books, Janet. I have lots of bookshelves, but they're full. So it's books in, books out, and stacks when I can't decide what needs to leave! My latest is a 1910 version of the Book of Knowledge for children. It has some good stories, old illustrations and riddles that I'll be using here.

  5. I have books everywhere. I started collecting different authors but I think I am going to have to weed some of them out because I'm running out of room.

  6. I love books, too, and I have them stacked all over the house in different piles. Horse books, cooking books, raw health food books, fiction. Now I wish I just had the TIME to read them! LOVE your blog!

  7. two chick one guy blow job


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