
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Vintage World War II Photos

I was browsing through my picture files, and came upon these photos from my father's time in the Army Air Force during World War II. Some of them have a little information, others do not. I decided that I will post them each week from now through October, since Dad's 85th birthday would have been October 24th. If you recognize anything and can add more information (especially if you know anything about the Steeple Morden air base, or about the photos of planes, etc), please do leave a comment.

My Dad, William I. Connelly, Jr just after boot camp.

On the HMS Queen Mary, 1943. I believe he was on his way to England at this time. He told me that they took a very circuitous route, going first to the Caribbean region, then to Scotland, I think, and south to England from there. According to Dad, it was to throw off the U-boats.

The back of the photo says" Lil Lo,Texas Hun Hunter."

A squadron flying out of Steeple Morden to Germany. Since Dad wasn't in a job that required flying, I'm not sure how he got the photo. Perhaps a friend took it, or maybe he did make a trip or two.

Transition from P-47's to P-51's, Steeple Morden, England. Probably taken in 1943 or 1944.


  1. Sue,

    Nice looking man. And I can see the resemblance between you and him. Maybe someone can give you some info on the pics that you post.

    Pop's brother, Van, served in WW2, and Pop's son, Gary, served in Nam and was a Park Policeman in D.C. Van survived and came home and was hit and killed by a car while crossing the road (Alabama) and Gary was shot and killed while off duty, at the car wash (Maryland). Looks like my family was better off in the ranks.

    uncle Van was a *hunk*. lol

  2. Wow - Those are amazing photos. It's not so unusual to see things like that in books or something, but the fact that they are personal photos makes them pretty amazing. What a treasure.

  3. That's why I'm posting them, Mouse. I think photos like this need to be in available to others who study history.

    Deborah, Dad was a good lookin' thing when he was young. But even though he was born in Louisiana, I think he was the first about whom it was said, "How 'bout them 'Eers!" (which is what West Virginian's say about the WVU Mountaineers).

  4. What awesome and interesting photos!


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