
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday Travels

On the road before daylight to travel to the next performance, a small elementary school located in a beautiful spot on WV Route 29. No storytelling photos of this trip because the classes were rolled through so quickly I barely had time to get things ready for the next group. But what great kids, and good staff too. The morning went smoothly, then it was a quick lunch and off to the next school, a larger elementary only a few miles away.
The view along the road between the two schools.

Again, performances went smoothly for the three groups of 120+ children.
Raccoon was his usual saucy self, and Genevieve the witch learned the meaning of plagiarism as she tried to lay claim to a poem she most certainly did not write.

Puppets are so much fun to work with because they can say things that are surprising even to me, the one who is giving them life! I don't use a stage--the puppets I use are storytelling partners. I'm not a ventriloquist by any means; the children are quite aware that I'm the one talking, and it makes not one bit of difference to their enjoyment of the puppet and the story.

Homeward bound (or at least to my temporary home for the trip) after nine performances in 7 hours. This abandoned store is on the road that leads to my oldest son's house. The trees were at peak in his area, I am sure, because I could not stop catching my breath at their beauty.

Surprisingly, I still had a voice! Will wonders never cease.

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