
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gone Storytelling!

I'm on the road again, this time to northern and central West Virginia.

Tomorrow I will be at Westwood Middle School (beginning at 8:20am--early!) to tell ghost stories. Middle school kids can be a great audience, so I am looking forward to this day.

Then tomorrow night at 7:30pm I'll be telling ghost stories again, this time at the Grafton 1-2-3 Coffeeshop, which is owned by writer and blogger MK Stover. I have not seen the finished coffee shop, which she and her husband have been renovating for the past year, so I think I'm in for a treat!

We're spending the night tonight and tomorrow night with son Aaron and his family--and with my youngest son Tommy who is still waiting for his flooded apartment to be repaired (it flooded again over the weekend! more about that when I return). Then of Friday I'll be Sutton Elementary for their annual Heritage Festival. I've told stories at this school several times in the past few years and always, always it is a true pleasure to be there.

I've scheduled some new stories, etc to post while I'm gone, so I hope you enjoy reading those. (I may be able to sneak online briefly from Aaron's house, but it's hard to tell.)

I hope you all have a wonderful, spooky Halloween. See you in November! (and don't forget Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit on Saturday morning!)


  1. I always look forward to your visits. And I'm hoping I can get down to that coffee shop to see the ghost stories tomorrow night.

  2. It sounds like great fun and how lucky the people who hear your stories are !


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