
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In the Shadow of its Years

Down the left fork of Joe's Run, there is an old log building...

that stands alone in a field, its roof and foundation nearly gone,

and Virginia Creeper weaving a colorful path around its rotting frame.

In a few years the logs will give away and the building will be forgotten as its wood and tin return to the soil.

Which is as it should be.


  1. What a treasure to have the old thing near you. I'vr always thought there is something just right about old buildings that are in the process of returning to the Earth. Must be some neat stories surrounding that old pile! If walls could talk ...

  2. I'd like to know the stories too, Mouse. It was most likely a barn, from the look of it. I took spring photos of it and will try for some this winter too. It's just begging to be photographed.

    I hope that when my house is done with people, it will be left to the wilds to reclaim. We didn't build it to be here forever, and I would bet it won't take long for the vines and trees to overtake it.


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