
Friday, October 17, 2008

The Old Ghost

by Thomas Lovell Beddoes (June 30, 1803January 26, 1849)
Over the water an old ghost strode
To a churchyard on the shore,
And over him the waters had flowed
A thousand years or more,
And pale and wan and weary
Looked never a sprite as he;
For it's lonely and it's dreary
The ghost of a body to be
That has mouldered away in the sea.
Over the billows the old ghost stepped,
And the winds in mockery sung;
For the bodiless ghost would fain have wept
Over the maiden that lay so young
'Mong the thistles and toadstools so hoary.
And he begged of the waves a tear,
But they shook upwards their moonlight glory,
And the shark looked on with a sneer
At his yearning desire and agony.


  1. Love this! Can't believe it is Friday already. Where did this week go?!

  2. I love this poem, it is so morbidly delicious. Perfect for this time of year.

  3. Perfect creepy poem for this time of the year!

  4. Oh Lord....

    Makes me think that when I'm dead that my ex's will come to visit me after they're dead too!



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