
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Recent Blog Posts You Need to Read

Sharing some great writing by my blog friends:

Robbyn at Homesteading the Back Forty listed so many ways to use citrus rinds I was astounded! Who would have thought you could do all that with something you'd throw away?

(Something I like to do with oranges is to slice them, dry the slices, then hang on a piece of jute string in the window as a suncatcher. You can add other things to the string like a bunch of dried lavender, cinnamon sticks, etc and drape from one side of the window to the other like a swag. It's very pretty.)

Matthew at AppalachianLifestyles blog had a fun riddle contest recently. Stop by and see how well you do with his riddles, and be sure to read the post about the Haunted Halloween--it's a true-to-life description of old-time Halloween fun in the backcountry of West Virginia.

At From My Homestead, you will be amazed, as I am, at the frugalness and simplicity of the way of life described. These are not pioneer people, these are people who live simply and within their limited means, and in the process have developed a peaceful relationship with their home and world. Sallie's post on selecting cast iron cookware is beautiful-as is her blog.

My storytelling friend Ellouise recently lost her mother. Following her journey through her mother's last days was heartbreaking and heart-filling at the same time. Any of us who has lost a parent will understand the words in this post. Having others who can share their thoughts--and grieving--with us helps us understand the true depth of love that we all share for those we love.


  1. Well thank you so much Susanna for such a lovely summery. :)

  2. Every word of it true, my friend.

  3. Thanks for your kind words. Writing it out has been a great help to me - nice for you say it also speaks to others. Ellouise


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