
Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hannah the princess of pillows spent the night. We got out early for breakfast at the Downtowner, Farmer's Market, banks, drug store, yard sales,etc.

Joe's Run Lake in the early morning fog, as we left for town.

After we finished in town, we drove over to granddaughter Jordan's new house. Larry and Jordan's soon-to-be husband Ethan are laying the block foundation. Hannah, Jordan's other grandma Sandy and I helped Jordan unpack wedding shower gifts and put them away. Fun!

No, not an accident victim! This young man was part of the cast for the Haunted House being put on by the Jackson County theatrical group during Octoberfest in Ravenswood. Hannah and I drove over in the evening because she absolutely had to go to it; of course, when we got there, she wasn't sure about it at all (especially after seeing this guy) so I had to go through it too. (No, I didn't scream!)

Dr. Strange in his lab in the Haunted House.

People sat on the tracks that ran along the edge of Riverside Park, where the festival was being held.

Downtrack, a train waits for the all clear before passing through.

The mighty CSX engine blasted its horn and its hundreds of rail cars passed through. There is something about trains that fascinates me, and the rails even more so. I like to look down a length of track and think about where it's going, the many trains that have traveled them over the years, the hobos of the Depression era who rode...

The Ohio flows serenely by as the sun begins its descent.

People gathered along the Ohio River to listen to the music of the Norris Brothers Band, and later Restless Heart.

We saw Restless Heart's bus, but didn't stay for the show. I knew Larry would have the firepit lit at home, and I was ready to stop, rest, and reflect on a busy, family-filled, and interesting day.


  1. I simply love browsing through your posts. I'm finally back to my DSL and hopefully can catch up with my blogging. I loved the post about "doing something for ourselves". I recalled the time I had 6 small children and a traveling husband. I used to buy a single rose at the grocery store each week and put on my nightstand. Believe it or not it helped.

  2. Hi Judy! Glad to see you're back to posting.

    I understand why the rose helped. It's a small thing, but signifies peacefulness and a tiny bit of "I love me" that we all need from time to time.

  3. What a lovely day you had. Thank you for taking us along for the day. I really enjoyed the pictures.


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