
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wedding Bells Are Coming

Our granddaughter Jordan is getting married on Saturday. Where did the years go? From the little baby to the fourteen-year-old with a voice like Loretta Lynn to the college student--and now to marriage.

Family will be gathering this weekend to welcome Ethan into the family, and to celebrate another milestone for our oldest grandaughter/niece/great-niece. I hope to have many good pictures to share with you after the wedding. It has been quite some time since we've had a wedding on this side of the family.

Another page of life turns.


  1. Congratulations to Jordan! I knew her when she was in grade school. My youngest son, David, was in her classes at Fairplain Elementary. And yes, she is a very good singer, she had solos at a lot of the school functions.

  2. Congratulations and blessings all around !

  3. Congrats! Can't wait to see the pics!

  4. Sounds like your going to have another busy weekend. I hope you have a wonderful time and will be anxious to see the pictures.


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