
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Book Review: Booger Hole

The title itself was enough to make me want to read this book. I'd read it several years ago actually, by ordering a copy via interlibrary loan. It's not what you might expect from the title, but it's interesting local history.

During the Civil War there were marauding groups of men who referred to themselves as "home guards" in Clay County, West Virginia, as well as in many other locations in the state. In some places these groups were probably honestly patrolling their homeplaces to protect them from deserting soldiers or attacks by enemy soldiers of either Army (where you lived in this state was really no guarantee of which side you took in the Civil War--it varied even within the same family, and there are many brother-against brother stories told about the Civil War days).

But the Clay County group was renegade. They attacked on a whim, stole and killed at will, and terrorized the countryside, especially one area that came to be known as "Booger Hole." In the mountains, a booger is a haint--a ghost, and usually one that is not friendly. The community called Booger Hole suffered many attacks and killings and the reputation of the area was so bad no one wanted to go up that creek unless it was a dire necessity.

Cindy Curry's book traces the history of the troubles in Booger Hole, and relates the stories of murder and revenge as well as a few ghost stories.

You can order a copy directly from the author by sending $5 plus $1 postage to:

Cindy Curry
Route 2, Box 82
Duck WV 25063


  1. I have a question you may be able to help me with.
    I am from S.E Tn in the Smokey Mtn region. My great grand father would tell all the kids a story of "raw head and bloody bones" he hid under beds. That's about as much as I can remember of the story. have you heard of this tale or know of it's origins?. My grand father was born in 1888, so there is not telling how old this story may be.

  2. Booger Hole - Both of my grandmothers use to speak of the Booger Man - I wonder if reference to the Booger Man came out of WV?

    I might need to order this book...

  3. This sounds like an interesting book.

  4. d, I am working on a post about Rawhead Bloodybones. I'll post it this weekend.

    Janet and Debroah, the book is so inexpensive, and it's interesting. It's not very long--a chapbook, really.

  5. Sounds like a fascinating book! I will have to order a copy.


  6. Did Andrea ever tell you that our Grandmother Vineyard lived near Booger Hole as a child? Have you been to see it? -Amy

  7. Howdie Miss Sue, i'm in the Navy and stationed in Virginia and i wondered if you might know somone by the name of Roxie in Booger Hole. She's my great Aunt and no one in my family will talk about her. every one always said she was a witch and the only thing my father ever said about her was that he saw her ring milk out of a cloth into a bucket. my last names Drennen, if you know anything please let me know. thanks

  8. I actually found this book in Goodwill a few years back, and bought it for the title! I figured it was ghost stories, but did not realize that a few days later I would be driving through the area known as Booger Hole.

    I've actually been down that holler. I could see why it's twists and turns and high hillsides made it a ghost story haven!

  9. Funny Booger Hole (WV) T-shirts @
    Booger Hole T-shirts @

  10. My great great grandfather was fred moore. He supposely killed a bunch of people. I also think i am somehow related to rose lyons. If anyone knows anything about these to please contact me.

  11. My grandmother was raised at Booger Hole. I would love a copy of this book. This post is several years old. Any idea if the ordering information is still correct? Thanks!

  12. i can answer any questions you all have i live in booger hole close to the chimmnies babys were supposibly burned in if u want to u can call me 13048893614 ask for vicky

  13. My parents bought the pfost- Green house in the 50s was very haunted jackson county wvirginia ...any old stories on this house other than the book

  14. I believe Preston Tanner that is mentioned in this book is a relative to my aunt Jill Tanner Blankenship I'm going to order 2 of these books!

  15. My mother was born there in 1937 as a "Green" and is related to the Moores. She remembers some of these stories told to her by aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Simply fascinating.


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