
Thursday, November 20, 2008

On the Contest Trail

Our youngest son Tommy has started training for a bodybuilding contest in April. The boy is buff, no doubt about it--it's almost scary! Here's a link to a video of him lifting 315 pounds for 20 reps (for some reason Blogger won't let me upload the video itself):

His trainer is a man named Kurt Weidner, who believes in natural methods as opposed to the usual supplements and steroids approach many bodybuilders follow. That makes me more comfortable because I know this is a grueling and competitive field.

I wish him success with his training and competition!


  1. Best of luck to Tommy with the training - we'll be rooting for you in April!

  2. Wow! He has got some muscles!! Good luck to him in the competition!!

  3. Thank you, friends. He's excited about it, and ready for the grueling training ahead of him. There's a lot more to this than I realized!

  4. Wow! What a hunk!!! LOL! So is it power lifting competition or body building? I know there's a difference! Best of luck to him, and all the training is good training in self discipline as well! Oh, and he is quite handsome, as well.

  5. It's bodybuilding, BW. He tried powerlifting briefly when he was 16and didn't like it. bodybuilding requires a whole different regimen, as I understand it.

    Thank you for the compliiments to my baby. It still astounds me to see my sons as grown men and know they were my little babies once.

  6. Holy Crap!!! What a monster!

    For such an easy going, mellow fella he sure is huge. I am sure he will do well.

    We're all pulling for you, Tommy.

    Aaron, Jaime, and the kids

  7. Best of Luck Tommy!
    We love you,
    Aunt Julie and Uncle Jackie

  8. Godda-mighty!

    Good luck to Tommy - we'll be waiting on a video next April.

    Natural methods are the only way. I don't think supplements and certainly not steroids build a truly healthy and strong body.

  9. What a beefcake! I just keep thinking about the 12 year old he used to be when I first met him. Now look at him! His tranformation over the last 10 years has been amazing!

  10. Best of luck! I hope he does wonderfully well in the competition!


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