
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Uh-Oh--Computer Blues

My computer died last night--it is the "MahtherBawd," according to the Tech in India.

The motherboard was replaced about a year ago. Weird how it only lasted a year--my last one was in the computer for 8 years, and is still working for my son. So why does this computer seem to eat them? Who knows. Tis a bummer for sure.

Posting will be a bit limited to when I can get online at other places, unless I do what I've been thinking about and go buy a laptop as a backup.

I will write soon to tell you all about the storytelling trip this week. What a blast! Photos and more when I get a chance. Meantime, today is town day--breakfast at our favorite spot, trips to the bank, feedstore, Goodwill, library, etc. Then tonight is the library's art auction benefit, and I am looking forward to that. They only do it every two years and often there is beautiful art to be had for good prices. Plus food and friends for fun.

I hope everyone is having a glorious fall weekend.


  1. Sorry about the Mahther Bawd!

  2. Sorry to hear about your computer problems. I'm out trying to catch up on all my blogger friends. This week just flew by. Wanted to pause long enough to say hello. Hope your having a great weekend.

  3. I think you would really like having a laptop, especially as you will be traveling more. There are many free wi-fi spots now, so you wouldn't have to be cut off when away from home.

  4. Ouch. You have my sympathy. Having a computer break down is almost as disruptive as having your car break down. Maybe more.

  5. Tis a headache! I didn't buy a laptop yet, but it's still on my mind. I hate not having access to a computer. It's amazing how we depend on it--to check on a recipe, the news, family, look up information about a song or a poem, store resumes, photos and writing, help my son with his papers, and on and on.

    Still, I got a LOT of housework done over the weekend, so maybe there's a silver lining!

  6. I know what it's like to have your Mahther Bawd go out. Mine went out in Nov of 2006 - just up and died - right in the middle of mid-term. Luckily my CIS instructor gave me a few extra days...So far mine has been ok. I expect it to die any day though.

    (My original mother board was 10 years old)


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