
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gone Storytelling

I forgot to post that I'm on the road storytelling again this weekend, and making fruitcakes with my sisters at our annual get-together. The storytelling was yesterday at Kearneysville Country Day School, and it went so well.

This is a private school with small numbers of students per class, and a strong interest in storytelling. I'd been there in April and yesterday the students remembered all the stories I'd told them during my last visit! This time we focused on Appalachian stories and storytelling, and the older students had a creative writing workshop with me. Have I said how much I like this school, and especially the Head of School Karen Stroup. She understands the value of establishing a sense of place for students who may not be from the place they are living.

After the storytelling we drove down to my sister Julie's in beautiful Rappahannock County, Virginia. The great fruitcake making spree happens here today. Julie and I enjoyed a few glasses of wine from the winery where she works, Grey Ghost Winery. Their Reserve Chardonnay is topnotch in my book.

No photos from yesterday, but I hope to have a few to share from today's baking when I return home. Eight sisters, along with other female relatives--you know we're going to have fun!

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