
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Home Again from a Wonderful Weekend

I'll have more to post later about the weekend, the fruitcakes, the sisters, and the memories. Here's a quick few photos of the trip to Virginia and the trip back home. It's a 6-8 hour drive, depending on the weather, traffic, and whether or not we stop here and there.Here's a few photos of the trip itself.

Thursday evening rain, snow and fog pretty much describe the first leg of the journey. In some places visibility was terrible, so the trip to the eastern panhandle of West Virginia took longer than usual.

After a day of storytelling, we left the panhandle and drove to my youngest sister Julie's house.

Friday evening. A glorious sky was actually foretelling bad weather on the way.

Sunday morning on the way home: we left thunder snow at Julie's house and about 100 miles into the trip home, we saw more stormy weather ahead:

It got a little messy at some points, but on the whole it was a good trip, with lots of snowy scenery. Mountains are beautiful in the snow.

Back on the ridge, the sun was shining, the wind was blowing hard, and the temperatures were in the teens.

But home was just ahead, our wonderful neighbor had cared for the animals and the fire, and smoke was curling from the chimney as the dogs ran to greet us.

Ah. The fires are going, the suitcases are unpacked, and it's time to settle in and enjoy being home again!


  1. I know real-life is never what others fantasize about our lives, but I get such a peaceful feeling when I read your blog and see pix of your home. And actually, it makes me a little envious . . . in a good way since I am at such a loss about my "home". I am reminded that home is where the heart is . . .and home is what we make it . . . no matter where we are. Thanks, GS.

  2. I'm glad you made it safely home! . . . and looking forward to reading more.
    Great photos! Your home is so welcoming.

  3. That second photo is particularly awesome! Glad you made it there and back, and had a wonderful time!


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