
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Favorite Blogs: Some Recent Great Posts

I try to keep up with a lot of blogs and sometimes get behind in my reading. As I've been catching up, I found some posts that I must share because they are just so good:

At Glanbrydan's Weblog, she's cooking up some delicious potato-leek soup. If you have never tried it, you've missed out on a good, good soup. I enjoy reading her descriptions of the many different pies they make, her gardening plans and other things that go on in a country cottage in England.

Susan at Stony River Farm always cracks me up, but her post about her family's World War II experience made me laugh, cry and hold my breath in suspense all at the same time. She is a brilliant writer, chatty, informative, funny, tender and so good at connecting with her readers. Her blog is a bright spot in my day.

Terry Thornton at Hill Country of Monroe County made me laugh in pain and agreement with his post about those "word verification" things so often encountered when trying to post a comment on a blog. His blog is always thoughtful, well-written and surprising.

I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I have. I have only put a dent in the reading catch-up, and there are so many other posts to share with you. I need a few more hours in my days.


  1. What a lovely gift to wake up to to this morning; I blushed to my toes. Then I loved the visits to England and Monroe County and must agree with you--there just aren't enough hours in the day.

  2. Thank you for sharing these with us, I love to find new blogs to visit. Thank you, also for following mine. I am still getting my "blogging legs" and it is nice to know that I have someone cheering for me. I enjoy your articles in Two Lane Livin' and hope to hear you tell some stories first hand some day; such a facinating career. Hope you are having a GREAT day,'
    Charlotte in Dunbar

  3. Thank you Granny Sue for these kind words. It is always fun to visit you and learn about what is going on in your mountains and beyond.
    Terry Thornton
    Fulton, MS

  4. Thank you Granny Sue. I like your Blog too!
    I must tell you we have snow here today :-)


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