
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Planning a Baby Shower

I am looking for ideas for a baby shower. My granddaughter is expecting her first baby in May, and I am giving her baby shower in March.

What I am looking for are ideas for low-cost, fun, pretty and maybe even unusual decorations, food and games. I do not think I've ever given a baby shower before, or if I have it's been a long time ago. So I have nothing really to start with.

I know that there are many talented people reading this blog, and some of you are probably baby shower experts. So what do you recommend?

For those who are like me, novices in the field, what did you like about showers you've attended? What was drop-dead-horrible-never-ever-want-to-do-it-or-eat-it-again?

Jordan, of course, may have her own ideas about what she wants. And the library has tons of books on the topic. But I'd like to hear some of your ideas. Please, share!


  1. My family is superstitious and we don't do baby showers - it would be tempting fate just a little too much to give gifts for a baby that hasn't arrived yet - so whenever I'm invited to a shower I try to bring something for the parents-to-be to enjoy later. A gift certificate for a spa or a nice restaurant, that kind of thing.

  2. Now that is interesting, Liz. I'd never thought of that--in my family babies are so plentiful that we assume all will be well.

    I like the idea of giving something for the parents to enjoy later. So often parents' needs get lost in the pressure of baby's needs. A dinner gift certificate and an offer of free babysitting for an evening would be welcome, I'd bet.

  3. Granny,
    I think you should take over and make it a storytelling shower. Everyone who comes has to tell a story. I'd be unusual and interesting!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A storytelling shower! That's an idea! Everyone has to tell one funny story about babies. Have to specify funny or we might have labor horror stories. And a time limit of 1 minute?

  6. I like the storytelling -- and perhaps people could tell and write stories about the mother-to-be when she was little. they could be made into a book for the baby.
    A gross/funny party favor from a shower I attended was a teeny-tiny cloth "diaper" filled with Tootsie Rolls. I'm not sure I'm recommending it . . and not sure I'm NOT recommending it.

  7. I'm not sure if I can be of much help or not. We're having a wedding shower on Saturday. Games are always fun to play at showers. In the invitation include an index card and tell the person to write down baby advice for the expectant mother. You could put them all in one of those small photo brag books for the mother to be. For decoration you could put a very small Christmas tree on the gift table and hang baby rattles, pacifiers,baby socks, etc on it and wrap a receiving blanket around the bottom of it.

  8. Hello!
    Just wanted to let you know that I have a blog award waiting for you. Come on over and get it!

  9. I'm going to pick my brain today but I have one memory of a shower that really stands out. When my friend Laura was expecting all the moms in our play group gave her a shower. Our gifts to her and the baby(since the baby was #3)were letters and poems to the baby. A couple of moms made small books too. We all read them out loud to the baby. We told her what we wished for her and how happy and lucky she was to have such a loving family to come to. We all cried and laughed and it was beautiful. They all went in the baby book. Really sweet.

  10. The last baby shower I went to, they had disposable diapers with wrote a message on the diaper for the parents to read when they are changing the diaper at 3:00 am. Pretty funny. I hate shower games! I am no good at them, but one wedding shower I went to we were given rhyming words and had to write a poem. It was a hilarious! I suppose you could come up with baby words that rhyme...perhaps Hannah and Haley could help with

  11. These are good ideas. I like the comments on diapers, Theresa--too funny! Me, I like any kind of word game because I often win them :-)

    The game I remember being the funniest shower game was trying to walk down the room with a potato between your knees. Not so easy as it sounds.

  12. Jeb's coat looks so healthy! Otis, too. Baby girl does look like a mini sheep, though

    I kinda had a thought. Since you took over Jeb, and got the cats dumped on ya by yours truly...

    Want some kids?

    Thoreau said it, "Simplify, simplify, simplify...!"


    They have been off school for two days with a weekend coming. They are actually behaving! Course Christmas gifts are still interesting. Give it a few weeks.


  13. Ha! In your dreams! I can put the dogs outside if they misbehave--and they don't have laundry or dirty dishes :-)


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