
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Snowy Dog Days

Coming home on a snowy day is such pleasure...

...when you're greeted by Thing #1 (Jeb) and Thing #2 (Otis)...

...who are always so glad to see anyone who visits. Great watchdogs, these two.

But I'd rather have friendly, welcoming dogs than scary, biting dogs any day.

How about you?


  1. I like Thing One and Thing Two!

    Our big collie's the same. He's got a fierce big bark and as soon as he sees somebody he never shuts up, but all he wants is kisses and cuddles. I'm thankful nobody knows that about him however!

  2. I would love to come home to those guys. There's nothing like coming home and having your dog go crazy for you. You have a fantastic homestead there!

  3. I myself love to come home to mine. I call them 'My Three Sons'. Two of them meet me at the mailbox each day. Jake (10 years-Terrier) will pick up a stick to bring to the house and Mac (2 years-Lab) will run the perimeter of the yard and scare off imaginary things and my old man of the three (Bo-12 years-Cur) will just wait at the house with his tail wagging. What can I say.........I love my boys.

    Deloutre in Louisiana

  4. It's nice to come home to someone who's glad to see you! Love the snowy pics.

  5. My uncle had watchdogs that would let anyone come and walk around anywhere, but not leave. Dad would tell us not to get out of the car until we were sure someone was home to tell the dogs we were ok.
    Yours look very sweet and welcoming, just perfect (except for that whole allergy thing . . .).
    My frog house guest has been a bit too quiet, but even though it's warm out today, I don't think it's time for him to go out, as very cold weather is predicted.

  6. Mary, I'd love to have a tree frog living inside. hos cool is that.

    Susan, our dogs act all big and mean too, but the meanest of them is actually the ancient cocker who will bark and bark and bark get the idea. A real pain, but all she can do is bark because she has hardly any teeth to speak of.

    When my dogs come running it seems like my blood pressure drops 20 points. It sounds like many of you have dogs like mine. What good friends they can be.

  7. Things one and two are a great welcome home!

  8. There's Jeb. Right smack in life number three (or four, who knows?) He seems so settled. Hard to believe he was ever happy as a suburban housedog, much less an apartment pooch prior to that! Farm life looks good on him.

    Does he hunt rabbits yet? What does he think of the chickens?


  9. He ignores the chickens, Aaron. As for rabbits, I'm not sure he has even seen them! He's not much of a varmint dog, but he's big and he smells like dog and he barks, so that's all good. Otis runs around like a fool so anything on four legs seems to keep a good distance away so far.


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