
Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Coming Great-Grandchild

My granddaughter Jordan is expecting her first child in May. Last night she and her husband Ethan came by for a visit. After helping my husband Larry cut a tree out of the road so I could get home (we had very bad windstorms last night) we sat up til 11pm, talking and laughing. I wanted to be sure to take some "baby" pictures of Jordan:

And a picture of the two of them...

...because I have only one of me expecting a baby, and to me these are the most cherished photos.
We've mailed invitations to the baby shower, planned for March 14.

Now we have to wait. The first few months have passed rapidly; I hope the last 2 do the same. A little great-granddaughter? Sounds like I need an itty-bitty apron!


  1. Congratulations on the soon to arrive great grandbaby! How exciting!! Your grandaughter is so pretty and looks soooo cute :)

  2. Congrats to Jordan and Ethan! I know Granny Sue will keep us posted on the shower and the wonderful journey.

    That weather system must have been huge - we had it up here too. 55 mph winds, huge trees down. I saw one down in the park today that must have been 100 years old.

  3. Congratulations, Mom and Dad and Great-Grandma! What a wonderful day to wait for, though the wait can't be easy. She's looking gorgeous!

  4. YIPPEE!!! A great-gran! How exciting for your family. I love the idea of pre-baby photos. My daughter just found out that she is expecting her third child-due in September. I will have to keep that camera handy to record her pregnancy.
    PS. Your grandaughter has your sweet smile.

  5. They are such a cute couple. Wow, can you imagine how beautiful their baby will be? And how lucky a grandbaby she will be with you to tell her stories.

  6. How exciting! You can never have too many pics!

  7. Wow! I must have really gotten a late start! No grandkids yet, much less a GREAT GRAND BABY! Blessings for the coming birth! Thanks for sharing. She looks so cute!

  8. Now I am partial, but I think she looks adorable too. We haven't had a new baby for over 5 years so it's exciting. I'm still wrapping myself around the idea of a great-grandchild and my son is slowly getting used to the idea of being a grandfather. It's another great adventure for us all, but mostly for Jordan and Ethan. She's still in college (nursing) and plans to continue her classes, working her schedule around when she can line up baby care.

  9. Very exciting for ALL of you! I know Jordan has a beautiful singing voice, so that child will be blessed to hear her sing lullabies to her new baby. Congratulations Granny Sue!


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