
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weekend: Grandchildren, Snow, Trucks, and Brownies

Early Saturday morning on the ridge, the sun glittered through the ice still clinging to the trees. I don't know if there is a camera that can capture such magic. I was surprised when I visited Glanbrydan's blog to see a photo of her lane--it looked so very like my road. But hers is in England!

Icicles hang from the rock cliffs along Joe's Run. This picture is interesting because I did nothing to it to change the color; the blue is just how the photo came out.

Aaron took this shot of the sun peeking through icy trees on the driveway. Even though the temperatures were rising rapidly, the ice stayed in place until late Sunday afternoon.

James and Michaela were visiting, and we all went out to play in the snow. Did Granny slide? Not on purpose--my main job was to push the little ones off and down the hill.

The snow was melting fast in the 60 degree temperature, which made it perfect for box sledding. What is box sledding? A box flattened, to lay down on and go sliding down the hill!
All our sleds are at Derek's house since he has the kids and a great sledding hill. But the boxes were perfect for little people on a little hill on Sunday.

Poppa Larry couldn't resist taking a ride too. I don't know if the box was the same afterward, but he had a good ride!

Granny's place is a good place for dress-up. The King and Queen were holding court after sledding, snow ice cream and hot chocolate.

Ummm...that Big Red Truck is a tank, but it doesn't go too well if you go in reverse over the side of the driveway when you meant to go forward. Not naming any names, but the one with the initials PL was behind the wheel at the time.

Since the tractor was already out on plow duty, it was only a matter of minutes for Aaron to hook up a chain and pull the BRT back where it belonged. Did I say it was icy? A solid sheet, in fact, underneath the truck in this photo.

Baking time! James and Michaela and I had a great time mixing up brownies. This picture is before they really got into licking the bowl--you can tell by their clean faces.

They both wanted to wear aprons. Both kids took home aprons I got on eBay a few weeks ago. James' is a muslin one with "Yukon's Best" embroidered on it ,a little more manly than the one he wore in this photo.

A fun, fun weekend--the Tannahill Weavers concert, an evening with friends, breakfast at the Downtowner, hanging out with Jaime, grandkids to play with, snow and warm temps.
Did I drop into bed dead tired Sunday night? You bet!
Did we all have a good time? Yes we did.
And I can't wait for the kids to come again. We'll try out some of those new brownie recipes, perhaps.


  1. Those kids are having a blast! What fun activities - No wonder they love going to their G'mom's house. That country of yours there sure is gorgeous!

  2. "my main job was to push the little ones off and down the hill"

    Hmmm...scary out of context (maybe even scary in context!)

    About box sledding...we used to do that at college (WV Wesleyan) except we stole trays from the cafeteria (we returned them later) and sledded on them all the time.

  3. Ha! There are times, Warren, when that seems like an option... We also used the lid of a plastic tote--very like a tray, I'd think. it went quite well! Where there's a will there's some crazy fool willing to try it.

    Mouse, I have as much fun as the kids do. But it is so cool to watch them discover new things. We let James burn the trash (with supervision) and he was so proud of himself. Who'd think that would be exciting? he got to light the match, that's what it was.

  4. One snow day, two of my high school students (and neighbors) knocked at my door. "Do you have any sleds? The stores are sold out." I gave them cardboard boxes put inside trash bags -- and extra gloves and hats. They had a great time! The hardest thing for the neighborhood kids was to relearn my name, from Mary to Miss Garrett. ;-)

    Wish I could join you for hot chocolate and brownies -- I suppose the fruit cake is all gone. . . . I could make some pumpkin bread!

  5. One snow day, two of my high school students (and neighbors) knocked at my door. "Do you have any sleds? The stores are sold out." I gave them cardboard boxes put inside trash bags -- and extra gloves and hats. They had a great time! The hardest thing for the neighborhood kids was to relearn my name, from Mary to Miss Garrett. ;-)

    Wish I could join you for hot chocolate and brownies -- I suppose the fruit cake is all gone. . . . I could make some pumpkin bread!

  6. We did have a great time and I definitely stole some pictures from this blog. Those kids are damn cute!

  7. Just when I was losing patience with it, you've made me fall in love with snowy days again! I love the photos and the kids and the off-roading truck LOL

  8. Mary, I bet those kids thought you were the coolest teacher to know stuff like that!

    Jaime, steal away! Aren't they cute?

    Susan, a while ago I wrote about how I missed snow. I think I called it down on us. But I cannot get my fill of looking at it. There is nothing quite so pretty as the hills so softly white.

  9. Wow -- sledding, dress-up, snow ice cream, hot chocolate, and brownies --

    Kid heaven!


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