
Friday, March 27, 2009


Growing weather. Fog, rain, and not too cold this morning on the ridge--which means the green will be bursting forth rapidly in the coming days.

Growing cleaner. Window washer in downtown Charleston on a ladder that looked mighty rickety to me.

Growing minds at my house this evening as grandchildren Michaela and James figure out the nesting dolls.

Growing warm and sleepy in the log room. Aaron looks like a man who's had a good day of fishing and is ready for bed.

Tomorrow is the big FFA farm equipment auction, so we'll be up and out early to get to the sale. It will be wet and sloggy, but it's bound to be interesting and fun.


  1. You certainly wouldn't get me up that ladder! Hope you have a good time at the sale. It's cold and wet here - a day for staying indoors.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Growing weather - love your take on that - gives me a new way to look at it. Yesterday on Hwy 95 going to Harford County I would have been more appreciative of the fog if I had thought of it for the good it was doing

  4. We survived the blizzard. Hopefully we'll have growing weather soon. The snow will have added lots of nitrogen to the ground. The auction sounds fun--enjoy yourself.

  5. I love your log room.

    We didn't have fog this morning (for once) but dry bright sunshine... and then it SNOWED! Argh. I need a few weeks in Hawaii. (and obviously, a winning lottery ticket to get there) *sigh*

    Have fun at the auction! Is there anything in particular you're looking for?

  6. hope the sale is good~i am off to an 'antiques and collectors' fair at the village hall tomorrow...making sur ei have spare cash with me, just in case!

  7. Rowan, I'm right with you. I would not climb that ladder on a bet. But the young men cleaning seemeed to be not nervous at all. The innocence of youth!

    Blizzard! Crossed fingers! We haven't seen snow since the beginning of March, but there could be a few flurries tomorrow evening. I am so not into snow right now, Laura. I hope Spring weather comes your way soon.

  8. It's true, Ellouise, you can almost feel things pushing up from beneath in weather like this. I love it for moving plants because they hardly know they been disturbed.

    Susan, you can come sit in my log room anytime. It is the most relaxing place I know.

  9. laoi, I hope you had good luck. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, Susan, but my son Aaron was--and he got lucky, getting his item for half what he expected to pay. I ended up with odd lots of weird stuff, which was much fun.

  10. I love that picture of Aaron. I had to copy it and now its the new picture on my desktop.

  11. My daughter lives in Goose Creek,S.C. She said they have had had a lot of rain also Her youngest daughter was home with her older sister for the weekend and she about froze. Nobody here wears flip flops this time of year. On Monday we had snow flurries. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 60's and then get cold again. I wouldn't climb that high with a good ladder. Lilly


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