
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Joe's Run Traffic Jam

Here I am, sitting in traffic, waiting for my lane to clear:

Sometimes I don't mind being held up in traffic at all.


  1. that's funny. I've had to wait for deer, dogs and cows before, but never goats.. . not yet, anyway.

  2. It's odd isn't it - I never mind waiting for herds of sheep or cattle, it has a totally different effect on me to waiting in a queue of cars.

  3. Oh, Susanna! How could you not start your day with a smile after seeing those two "Sunday Driver's"!!

  4. You're right, Amy and Rowan. When animals are in the road, we smile and wait patiently. Recently an interstate near here was shut down by a beagle running loose. The dog was caught and many people offered to adopt it. Often animals bring out the human in us.

    Janet, goats seem to have surged in popularity in my area. I have heard that the market for them is good because there are more cultures in American now that value goat meat. Surprising. I've tasted it and have to say it's very good, a cross between chicken and pork. But I don't think I could raise them for my own meat. They're too personable.

  5. The burning of old man Winter must have worked, because I see Spring hiding there in the side ditch.


    ps..a sight like this is an immediate stress reliever, isn't it?

  6. A true poetic moment! Good catch with the camera!

  7. i have two cameras, Jason--one is small and in my purse for a quick grab for such moments. The other is bigger and I prefer it because it has a great zoom and other options--but it's the one that got the glass of wine on it last year so it's a little unpredictable, and it takes longer to process pictures.

    The small camera is the one I used for this photo, and unfortunately it did not capture the cat streaking across the road in the background very well.

  8. Now thats my kinda traffic!

  9. Had one of those in our neighborhood at the intersection (we call it "The Corners) last year. Involved a moose though.

  10. A moose!Now that would certainly stop me in my tracks. I suppose the strangest things that have stopped me were the wild boar and the dead bear--neither on Joe's Run.

    Unless you count the recliner...


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