
Saturday, March 7, 2009


Ah, Spring!
Isn't it lovely?

Of course, this photo is from last year, in April. It will be another month before the gardens look like this.

But I can dream...

Today the weather is balmy, in the 70's and I am trying to remember what the two degrees we had on Monday night felt like. How do we manage to be so adaptable to weather swings like this?

But at least the first crocus finally bloomed, almost a month later than usual.

Here's what we've been up to today:

This morning was the usual Saturday trip to town for breakfast and shopping. I ordered the cake for my granddaughter's baby shower next Saturday, bought candy and nuts and thought about a veggie tray. Decided to get that the morning of the shower.

We stopped at a church rummage sale and I came away with some great deals: a new Santa, a Christmas quilt wall hanging, a lilac chenille throw for a granddaughter, a blue willow cup made in England, a wicker silverware tray that I'll use for brushes, combs and curling irons, and who knows what else.

Then a stop at Wal-Mart for two queen-size air mattresses to add to the three or four singles we have--company will be here for the baby shower. Thompson's Water Seal was on sale and we need it for the deck so we bought 2 gallons, along with four cloth basket organizers that will fit under the bed for my shoes, which are always disappearing under there.

When we got home, Larry got out the tiller and fired it up--a miracle considering it's been sitting all winter (yay, Aaron!). We planted snap peas, three kinds of onions, and beets. This is a good early start for the gardens, but Larry's been proactive this year, getting manure spread and getting the ground plowed the first chance he had.

When that job was done, we headed inside for some good coffee and a little rest before we moved on to the next projects.

While Larry worked on re-grouting the tile in the bathroom (this is his third tile project this month and we have, let's see, only three places in the whole house that have tile!),

I started on housecleaning (remember, company is coming next week!),
and baking an an applesauce cake (I love my mixing bowls--I'll use any excuse to take a picture of them in the old sifter cabinet).

Tonight I'll be working on revising some poems and stories for the West Virginia Writers Contest (deadline is March 15th).

This is one of the days I love: full of variety and creativity. Sun and warmer temps are nice too!


  1. It will be good to see everyone next weekend. I did warn you that Michaela and I are coming, didn't I?

    I've noticed that the crocuses have not come up here as well. But my daffodils are a week away from blooming. Weird winter.

  2. What gorgeous spring pictures!

    We're dragging the tiller out of its shed today too... will have to do some voodoo dances and throw holy water around to get it going probably, but after that, GARDEN!
    I can't wait.

  3. Holy water and voodoo--I will suggest those to Larry next time the tiller doesn't start! I wonder if it works for mowers, chainsaws and tractors?

  4. Hey Jaime! I figured you were coming for the shower. Julie and Jackie, Jennifer, Kate and Cassie will be here too.

  5. Love your post. You've been very busy. We haven't did anything in the garden yet. My son told me it was too soon. I think that's another way of saying I don't want to get the tiller out yet. (Hope it starts) Love the first picture with the daffodils, my sister's are already up. WVWriters have changed the deadline till Monday. I've got to work on my entries this week, too.

  6. It is too early for a lot of things, Janet, but a few like it cold. Every year the tiller is a guessing game. We should take it to the shop in February for a tune-up, then it would be ready to go. But do we ever think of that? Course not.

    I thought I was going to work on my story last night but instead had a lovely long chat on the phone with my youngest sister. That's okay, though. If I don't enter anything, that's just the way it goes.

  7. It is surely coming! We even have some of the cold weather flowers coming up already here in the Northeast. The pic from last season is just beautiful. What awesome property.

  8. I know that has to be exciting in your region since winter holds on a little longer for you.

    This land was rough overgrown pasture covered with "sprouts" as my neighbor called them--little trees about 3-5 years old, and briers, brambles and weeds of all kinds. We've been here for 30 years so you can see what time and persistence can do. Of course, a person could have bulldozed it, hauled in topsoil and had a landscaper plant, but we did it the slow, cheap way--by ourselves.

  9. Love the Spring picture of your place!!
    What a productive day!


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